But, keep in mind that while germination can take place in the spring, the new sprouts may not be firmly established before the heat of summer sets in. To get the best results when seeding a new lawn you should use a hand cranked seed spreader. Many people sow seed by hand and this leads to uneven grass. This is crucial in new lawn care. Daily watering will help the roots to get established. Keep the turf very moist. If you are experiencing a drought in your area, or if you live in a very hot climate, you may need to water your new lawn twice a day. While the key to new lawn care requires keeping the turf moist, you should not over water your new lawn to the point where it is a wet, muddy mess. So if you want your house to look beautiful, attractive and appealing then it is better to hire a lawn care professional. Lawn care professionals are expensive; hence a thorough research needs to be done before hiring one. The most important point to be considered is that one should hire a lawn care professional who is qualified enough for his job. It is of no use planting a drought resistant grass in an area where you can get plenty of water. Fescue is an excellent grass, which makes really good lawns. On the other hand, you can also choose between Kentucky Bluegrass, Ryegrass, and even grasses, which can make excellent turf. Fine Fescue comes in a number of varieties, especially Red Fescue. First of all, one has to remember that the basics of lawn maintenance start with the necessary implements. One has to invest in an excellent lawnmower, for example you can buy a good Deere model. It depends upon how large your lawn is. A grass lawn positively enjoys being trimmed drastically, and mowing your lawn is going to be extremely good therapeutic exercise for you when you have nothing else or constructive to do. However, if you choose the wrong kind of grass seed, all of your time and money will be wasted. Before you go out and purchase grass seed, you should know what type of grass will grow in your environment and growing season. Do you need a cool season grass or a warm season grass? Cool Season Grass Cool season grasses grow best in the spring and fall.
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