One of the common techniques that are used by growers in different parts of the world is the Stale seed bed in which soil is cultivated and is left for about a week. When the seeds are germinated in the ground, there are increased chances for the growth of weeds that hampers the growth of the plants and eat up their nutrition. After you apply the turf fertilizer, you should water your lawn. This will help to prevent burn. You should protect your new lawn from trauma. Keep lawn traffic to a bare minimum during the first month. Do not allow anyone to drive onto your new lawn, ride bikes or do other activities that would damage your new lawn – such as playing a game of volleyball, setting up an elaborate outdoor party, etc. Whether you are seeding, laying sod or planting plugs and sprigs, you should do all you can to ensure that your soil is properly prepared. If you truly want to get your new lawn off to a great start, you should have your soil tested. If you do not want to fool with locating a lab that will test your soil, simply purchase a soil testing kit and do it yourself. Most soil tests will give you recommendations on what amendments or fertilizers you need to add to your soil to get it to the desired pH level. Soil tests will show you the levels of phosphorus, magnesium and calcium that are currently in your lawn soil so you don’t make costly mistakes. If you have cool season grass, such as Bentgrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Rough Bluegrass, Tall Fescue, Creeping Fescue, Annual Ryegrass and Perennial Ryegrass, you will want to fertilizer your new lawn in the fall. When you install your sod, try to avoid stretching it or leaving any gaps between them. This will encourage weeds to grow. You should know that heat can build up inside a roll of sod. As soon as it has been laid, you should take care of new sod lawns by giving them a good drink of water. Allow the water to penetrate to a depth of six inches. How to Water a New Lawn If you are looking for new lawn watering tips and you live in a draught region, you have come to the right place. New lawn watering is so important, but if you live in an area where rain is scarce, you will be the one that will have to provide all of the water to your new lawn.
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