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Plante medicinale : Rhodiola rosea

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Improved energy levels, mind performance, and positive mood changes are the result when a person subjected to Rosea Rhodiola tests were done in both physical and emotional standpoints. And because the body now has high tolerance for stress, the heart and the mind is rejuvenated and is protected from the negative and harmful effects that stress, anxiety and depression applies to them. However, the release of cortisol is only beneficial to the body when the situation requires it, like when we are in a position where our body has gone through a rigorous series of activity or in a situation where our instincts for fight or flight kicks in. If a high level of cortisol remains in the body for a prolonged period of time, then the hormone may do more harm than good, they then tend to do tissue damage, diminish our immune response, or result to a state of mental confusion. A Russian clinic which made a study on the effects of ingesting Rosea Rhodiola pills showed that about ninety percent of their overweight subjects showed a decrease of an average twenty pounds. Their research attributed these amazing development to the activation of an enzyme called adipose lipase which burns the fats that our body stores. Plus, Rosea Rhodiola is also helpful in increasing the threshold for pain in any person. By increasing the beta-endorphin levels of the brain, pain is suppressed. It then elevates a person s mood, with athletes, they can benefit greatly as Rosea Rhodiola is able to increase the levels of their creatine and muscular ATP. The one great thing that all the hype around Rosea Rhodiola created is that it has driven many clinical studies to prove its claims and many of these benefits have been scientifically proven already. Rosea Rhodiola also known as Golden Root, Roseroot and Aarons Ro, is a biologically based plant that belongs to the Crassulaceae family which can be found in the cold regions of the planet, including Siberia, Iceland, Scandinavia, the Alps, Carpathian Mountains, Rocky Mountains and other European mountains. Today, Rosea Rhodiola products are marketed as dietary supplements to provide the whole world the same health benefits that many European nations have enjoyed for a long time. And with such claims made from hundreds of years of usage, more studies are being conducted to discover what else this wonder drug can offer to humanity. 

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