There are available creams and gels that are made from herbal extracts that are proven to lessen the symptoms of this condition. You need to consult a professional before you proceed in using any of these applications no matter how good the feedbacks are about the products. There are some herbs that can cause allergic contact dermatitis, so you need to make sure that your skin can take the herbal products that you want to try for this purpose. Irritant contact dermatitis develops when a substance destroys the skin cells it is in contact with before the skin can repair itself. These include detergents, soaps, cleaners, hair dyes, solvents, oils, paints, and many more. Risk factors The first serious risk factor for contact dermatitis is the person s medical history. After some time, the fluid buildup affects the skin and soon develops a rash that is itchy, and produces painful sores over a thinning and discolored skin. The treatment is usually a two-pronged approach treating the dermatitis and the circulation problem as well. Symptoms Stasis dermatitis sometimes begins so slowly it is hardly noticed by the patient at all. Dermatologists, however, declare that avoiding the allergens (substances that makes patients allergic) cannot exactly control atopic dermatitis. The real chance is to manage the disease with a multi-faceted approach. This would include proper skin care, correct usage of medication, and avoiding the allergens. The medication (and other therapies) is usually for itch control, inflammation reduction, loosening and removal of scaly lesions, and to clear the infection. Effectiveness Research shows that the most effective treatment for eczema, regardless of the type, is a combination of therapies to treat the skin and making drastic lifestyle changes of the victim. Statistics Today, there are about 5% of men and 10% of women who develop hand eczema caused by their workforce exposure. This happens when something that touches the skin causes irritation (called irritant contact dermatitis) or a straight allergic reaction (called allergic contact dermatitis). The symptoms and signs of most occupational dermatitis usually grow out on the forearms and face, too.
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