After some initial discomforts (open skin sores are painful when touched by water), patients tend to get relief. Moisturizers give moisture to the skin (myth) Many people believed that moisturizers add moisture to the skin and can be applied at any convenient time. Dermatologists advise eczema sufferers to apply moisturizers within 3 minutes right after bathing to lock in the moisture in the skin. You wouldn t want to aggravate the problem by giving your children any kinds of supplements that will put their health at risk. You also wouldn t want any harm to happen on the baby on your womb, if you are pregnant, hence you really need to take precaution. This kind of skin condition may run in families and other allergic kind of disorders. Visible signs The symptoms of occupational dermatitis often include dry, chapped skin for mild cases. For more severe cases, the skin is raw and irritated-looking, and with scaly top skin. There is itching or burning sensation on the affected skin areas. If the condition lasts longer, there will be thickening of the affected skin. You have to keep your skin moisturized to reduce the swollenness and you must avoid any irritants, may it be due to emotional factors, physical or allergenic causes. Seek Help To make sure that the problem won t get any worse, it is recommended that you seek the help of health professionals while the flare ups are still controllable. You must make sure that their fingernails are always clean and short so that they won t cause any damage on their skin no matter how itchy it is. Other Means When the basic solutions don t work, you must still not give up and try to come up with other plans. There are really certain cases when the condition gets out of hand and hard to control. The treatment is usually a two-pronged approach treating the dermatitis and the circulation problem as well. Symptoms Stasis dermatitis sometimes begins so slowly it is hardly noticed by the patient at all. Sometimes, it can be so rapid it seems to have developed into a full-blown case overnight. The first visible signs would be the swelling of one or both legs.
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