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Common Treatments for Eczema

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Probiotics, also called good bacteria, are the live microbial organisms, which are situated on the digestive tract. These microorganisms help to repress the development of any bacteria that may harm the system. These can also help boost the body s immune system. Babies are at a high risk of developing allergic disorders due to the bacteria on their digestive tracts, that is why it will help if even while they are still at their mother s womb, they will be able to take in sufficient probiotics supplements. Violet-colored discolorations soon appear on the top of the feet and in the lower legs. Victims Because it is mainly triggered by poor circulation, stasis dermatitis usually develops in people who are middle-aged or older. In the U.S. there are about 15 to 20 million people over 50 years old who have stasis dermatitis. This does not mean though that your child should not have been given a medicine for eczema. This all depends on the diagnosis, the prognosis and how the doctors see the problem. Some doctors will prescribe a topical steroids like hydrocortisone creams and med-potency steroids. Still, the use of this drugs should be monitored especially for children under two years old. Some people, however, bring it with them till adulthood and suffer throughout their lives. Treatments At present, there is no cure yet found for atopic eczema, and the other types. The treatments are basically for relief and prevention of itch. (Scratching can lead to infection.) Since the skin becomes dry and itchy, lotions and creams are applied to keep the skin moist. There is a wide array of literature out there on reducing, if not totally eliminating stress from your lifestyle. Environmental triggers (for Atopic dermatitis) For Atopic dermatitis victims, limit your exposures to environmental triggers. These include pollen, mites, molds, animal dander (fur) and others. If there is an allergic reaction on the skin after contact, the eczema is called allergic contact dermatitis. Symptoms The reaction to allergic contact dermatitis is immediate and fast developing only a few hours after the allergen touches the person s skin. The result is an itchy, swollen and red skin. 

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