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Treatment of eczema and other skin diseases

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You must make sure that their fingernails are always clean and short so that they won t cause any damage on their skin no matter how itchy it is. Other Means When the basic solutions don t work, you must still not give up and try to come up with other plans. There are really certain cases when the condition gets out of hand and hard to control. The result is an itchy, swollen and red skin. There will be blisters if the reaction is severe enough. In addition, these blisters may break and the skin may flake and crack later. Long exposure In long-term exposures, the skin becomes thick, red and scaly. More than that period and the skin darkens and becomes leathery. Females are slightly prone to the disease than males. It also tends to be more common in higher social classes and in families that are smaller in size. Diagnosis Doctors usually look for a rash, and ask for the medical history of the patient and those of close relatives. The search is the presence of a history of atopic dermatitis, asthma or hay fever from everyone. If they are allergic to any food, this is the time that you really need to watch what they eat and make sure that they don t touch anything that might worsen their condition. It is also essential that you keep their skin hydrated through the use of moisturizing lotion. Keeping your kid s moisturized is an easy step. There are also some adults that acquire such, especially those who are under tough pressure and stress, and people who are exposed to chemical irritants and allergens. This is also common to happen to people with family members who are suffering from hay fever and asthma. Adults typically get this behind the knee or at the inner part of the elbow. Scientists, however, have found links in the disease and the overactive response of the body s immune system to unknown triggers. Eczema is found to be common in families with histories on allergy and asthma. Contact with coarse materials can make the skin itchy. Too hot or too cold exposures can also trigger itch as well as exposures to certain soaps or detergents. 

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