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Do you have this Dermatitis? | Sebborheic dermatitis

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Causes There is no known cause discovered yet on eczema. Scientists, however, have found links in the disease and the overactive response of the body s immune system to unknown triggers. Eczema is found to be common in families with histories on allergy and asthma. Contact with coarse materials can make the skin itchy. Preventive measures While there is no cure for eczema, there are many ways to sidestep and avoid the triggering factors. Sometimes, the methods are also to dampen the severity of these symptoms. Prevention is more on deterring the symptoms of the disease. Removing the cause of the allergic reaction (or the trigger of this reaction) is the easiest and most effective preventive measure. In Brazil in 2003, a hospital started a support group for children with atopic dermatitis. In the beginning, the children were insecure and mostly kept to themselves. After they recognized their similarities, they began interacting with one another. In only about 6 to 8 meetings, doctors noted several improvements. You have to keep your skin moisturized to reduce the swollenness and you must avoid any irritants, may it be due to emotional factors, physical or allergenic causes. Seek Help To make sure that the problem won t get any worse, it is recommended that you seek the help of health professionals while the flare ups are still controllable. How to Treat Eczema Eczema may often be associated with old people or those that have asthma but they are not the only ones affected by this very common skin problem. Even the younger ones are being targeted. One of the most common forms of eczema In young people is the Seborrhoeic dermatitis. You can see this in people who frequently have dry skin on the areas with hair like the scalp and the eyebrows. There had been many false leads before. However, they are one in the belief that the cause is a combination of complex interaction of many factors our genes, where we live, chemical and organic pollutants, immune system malfunction, and a breakdown of the outermost skin layer. Risk factors Today, many risk factors related to atopic dermatitis eczema had already been isolated. 

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