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Mayo Clinic Minute: Protecting babies from eczema risk

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Stress In today s fast-paced world, eliminating stress is not only good for eczema prevention, it can do wonders on your whole body system, too. Stress had been known to trigger allergies, and consequently, can trigger eczema as well. There is a wide array of literature out there on reducing, if not totally eliminating stress from your lifestyle. Removing the cause of the allergic reaction (or the trigger of this reaction) is the easiest and most effective preventive measure. They can be as simple as changing your laundry detergent. Sometimes it can be as difficult as changing jobs (there is a type of the disease termed occupational eczema) or moving to a new place to find the right climate for your body. Behavior modification and topical therapy Behavior modification is a set of techniques used in helping people change their actions to get desired results. This can be added to the treatment plan prescribed by a dermatologist to produce clearer skin. Practiced in the United Kingdom, the method is to teach techniques to patients to avoid scratching. The solution to the problem is to make sure that the sufferer won t scratch or at least, avoid scratching the affected parts. It comes in severe forms when the condition is developed during infancy. Children who have this problem may also develop other types of allergic diseases such as asthma and allergic rhinitis. For older children, the itchy rash typically develops inside the elbows, ankles and knees. The condition is commonly mistaken for other types of itchy rashes such as heat rash, contact dermatitis, psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis. You need to take note of the exact time when the rash begins on your child and where. 5 occupations (housekeeper, brick layer, metal workers, hairdressers and health-care workers) were found to comprise 60% of reported cases. Other occupations with higher-than-average risks include janitors and maids, florist, bakers, caterers, bartenders, cooks and agricultural workers. Other factors include age (it decreases with age), gender (women are more prone), industry (agriculture and manufacturing are riskier), atopic conditions (people with allergic histories are susceptible), and environment (low humidity can damage the skin s protection). 

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