Children are more vulnerable to the side effects of drugs and as much as possible, they should not be given anything. This does not mean though that your child should not have been given a medicine for eczema. This all depends on the diagnosis, the prognosis and how the doctors see the problem. Some doctors will prescribe a topical steroids like hydrocortisone creams and med-potency steroids. Itchy rash from eczema can be found on the head, the scalp, the neck the inside of the elbows, behind the knees and the buttocks. Contact dermatitis like this can either be caused by either an allergic reaction or an irritant, for instance detergent. Another possibility is the Xerotic eczema, which starts with dry skin and then progresses into eczema. Most children that are suffering from this will completely outgrow the symptoms or see significant improvements with these as they grow older. There are only about 10 percent of adults who will get this condition for the first time. There are many allergic conditions that may trigger this reaction. These include respiratory allergies, allergic rhinitis and asthma. It is also found in unlikely areas like the backs of the elbows or even in some areas of the skin. Usually there will be dandruff and scaling because of the dry skin. Usually, this kind of dermatitis is actually pretty harmless although many people actually have them in various degrees. It is only dangerous when it is contracted by the very young such as an infant. Atopic dermatitis (or atopic eczema) happens to people who have a predisposition to such allergies as hay fever or asthma, or even food allergies. If possible, discover your allergy or allergies for you to avoid them. Suffering from eczema may be harsh on you, but managing the disease is your only way to combat it at the moment. For adults and older kids, the problem typically develops behind the knees or in front of the elbows. To make sure that itching will be lessened, you have to determine what causes such. This may be due to infections, allergies, irritants and stress. When suffering or if one is prone to develop the problem, it is recommended that they stay away from using harsh chemicals on their skin, strong soaps or wearing wool fabrics and polyester.
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