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Eczema Animation

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Symptoms Stasis dermatitis sometimes begins so slowly it is hardly noticed by the patient at all. Sometimes, it can be so rapid it seems to have developed into a full-blown case overnight. The first visible signs would be the swelling of one or both legs. The swollen part includes the foot and extends to just beneath the knee. If they are allergic to any food, this is the time that you really need to watch what they eat and make sure that they don t touch anything that might worsen their condition. It is also essential that you keep their skin hydrated through the use of moisturizing lotion. Keeping your kid s moisturized is an easy step. You see the more you scratch the surface and remove the scaling and the dry skin, the more irritated the skin becomes. Irritation can be a problem because it only exacerbates the condition. Also, when you scratch and peel off the dry skin, bacteria from your nails can be transferred into the affected area, thus infecting the skin irritation further. You need to consult a professional before you proceed in using any of these applications no matter how good the feedbacks are about the products. There are some herbs that can cause allergic contact dermatitis, so you need to make sure that your skin can take the herbal products that you want to try for this purpose. The problem can be experienced by both adults and children, but this is likely to develop during infancy and by the time the child reaches the age of five. It is said that about 10 to 20 percent of all kids will likely develop this kind of skin problem. Most children that are suffering from this will completely outgrow the symptoms or see significant improvements with these as they grow older. The rashes are often found on the face, the arms and the legs, most especially in the creases of the elbows, knees and ankles. Usually, eczema is caused by an allergen or an irritant, often a chemical that your baby has come into contact with in his surrounding. The culprit for most cases are laundry detergents, bath soaps and other chemicals that the sensitive skin of your infant cannot take. 

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