Treatment includes avoidance of causing agents (substances that triggers the irritation or allergy). Avoidance includes using a barrier cream, wearing gloves, or doing the job differently. Changes have to be done in homes, too (changing of soaps and detergents, etc). Treatment also includes applying emollients and moisturizers regularly when depleted and all throughout the day. It comes in severe forms when the condition is developed during infancy. Children who have this problem may also develop other types of allergic diseases such as asthma and allergic rhinitis. Diagnosing the Problem Laboratory testing cannot diagnose this kind of skin problem. These three factors must be present for the diagnosis to be made. There are also known drugs that can help control the inflammation such as various brands of topical corticosteroids. For severe cases, you may also be given oral steroids that must only be taken for a short time period. There is still no cure to eczema, so the best way to handle the condition is by avoiding the triggering factors that can worsen the symptoms. Dermatologists can help patients develop strategies to work around them wearing gloves, using barrier creams, etc. Treatments include applying emollients and moisturizers, taking oral antihistamines, and using topical corticosteroids to reduce inflammation. In more severe cases of contact dermatitis eczema, doctors can prescribe oral or injectable corticosteroids for short-term relief. Remember that eczema can be exacerbated and infected and that one case can easily infect another person. Thus, even if it is not being prescribed by the doctor, the meds are taken by people so as to cure the problem and not spread the infection. But this is easier said than done. In reality, one cannot drink any medicine without the prescription from the doctor. Starting in the lower legs, it is caused by poor blood flow causing fluids to build up, and the legs to become swollen. After some time, the fluid buildup affects the skin and soon develops a rash that is itchy, and produces painful sores over a thinning and discolored skin. The treatment is usually a two-pronged approach treating the dermatitis and the circulation problem as well.
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