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Fighting a Narcissist for Custody: Strategies for Winning.

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Parents should do well to negotiate a fair parenting agreement that should reflect the overall best interest of their child (or children). This can be done out of court or through alternative dispute resolution service such as a mediator. Temporary custody If there is no agreement between the parents, a temporary child custody schedule may be ordered by a judge. Once you heard all these from the lawyer, you can decide if you choose to hire lawyer s services or handle this on your own. Then, you should find a copy of the State s requirements on child custody cases. Having a copy of this book in your possession will serve as your guide all throughout the process. Because of the very limited interaction of one of the parents to the child, this type of custody may lead to conflict between parents. Joint Custody This arrangement is used when parents agree to share decision-making rights over their child s upbringing. Usually, parents agree to coordinate their schedules so that joint custody will work. What You Need to Know about Temporary Child Custody Temporary child custody refers to a short-term arrangement that enables parents to ensure that their child is well taken care of while the final custody has not been decided yet. As with other types of custody, temporary custody allows the custodial parent to make decisions about everything that involves the child. You have to submit the forms personally at the family court and send them through mail or fax. There are certain fees charged for filing for custody, so be prepared to pay a certain amount. After you have filed the necessary documents, your case will be decided by the family court. And when the forms have been received by the family court, you have to make sure you attend the scheduled hearing. Doing an online research can help you predict what will happen based on the similar cases you have read. It can also pitch you some ideas on what legal actions you can take if your ex-spouse is not following the custody and visitation order made by the court. Divorce is indeed a difficult phase in your life, especially if it concerns your child. 

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