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Why Do YOU Deserve CUSTODY (Animation Meme)

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Create a fun and comfortable setting for your children when you explain to them about the divorce and custody arrangements. You can do it in a park or in a quiet spot in your home. Make sure that you will have plenty of time discussing about the situation so that your children can ask questions and get adequate answers. Once positive attitude is set, it is easier to look things in an orderly way. For one to develop positive attitude, he or she must undergo self-reassessment to find out what are his or her strengths as well as the weaknesses. Once all of these have been identified, it will be easier to turn the bad ones into good ones and there would also be greater chances of making the positive ones better. The amount of time spent by each parent for the child is also taken into account. In most custody cases, the courts listen to the wishes of the child of divorced parents. The child makes his or her wishes known to the court through a custody evaluator or child representative who is appointed by the court. The major reason why kids don t understand child custody is because adults underestimate their skills to comprehend complex family issues. If you are on an on going process of child custody or are planning to get started on it, ask your child to a serious conversation. Once a child feels that what you are about to discuss is no laughing matter, then he or she would lend a listening ear and an open heart. This is not only on the side of the parents but of the child as well. But since this is inevitable when separation or divorce happens, parents could not do anything but to prepare themselves for the battle head on. For parents who are about to face a child custody case, the best way to go about it is to prepare. Dealing with outcomes Parents might not be aware of this but filing for a child custody case will have so many effects on the child more than they could imagine. Since the child is the center of the entire proceeding, he or she will feel the burden of the hearing more than anybody else. Here are some of the effects that a child custody case hearing might bring in child: 1. 

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