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Support Court- Child Support And Custody Are Separate!

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However, despite the discouraging times, this is not enough reason to give up when there s an on going child custody case. In fact, for some people, this can be a good opportunity to start anew. These hard times can serve as an inspiration itself for one to be able to overcome difficulties and triumph over life's adversities. Because these contain properties that help people to relax, many are trying this treatment option. But since herbal or natural remedies don t necessarily have clinical approval, it is best to test first the effects of these herbs before you finally try it. Experts say that one of the most effective methods for helping parents who have loss child custody cases is the process called "desensitization" which is underlying principle in the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT. As long as the child is at the right age to make an informed decision, the courts give substantial weight to the child s wishes regarding his or her custody. In many cases, the parent who wants to get custody of the child will raise an issue if the other parent is addicted to alcohol or drugs. A parent who has alcohol or drug problems usually get limited custody and visitation rights, so he or she cannot have full access to the child. These visitation rights also offer exclusive time with the child every other weekend, alternating major holidays, and a number of weeks during vacations. Sole custody Sole custody gives the custodial parent exclusive physical and legal rights over the child. However, this type is rare, and is generally restricted to cases where one parent is deemed in poor condition or is deemed irresponsible (drug addiction or child abuse, etc). Nobody can blame the parents who have loss custody of their kids if they will feel bitter, angry, depressed and anxious upon learning that after the painful process of fighting for child custody, all your efforts will be thrown at the window. However, no matter how painful the experience must be, you cannot give up. Child s interest As always, the child s best interest is the starting guideline or standard in all child custody determinations. There are many factors to consider, and state child custody laws are not the same on all states. One issue is that parents will have to be educated on the difference between physical custody and legal custody. 

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