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The Biggest Child Custody Mistakes!

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The only problem with legal custody is that conflicts and misunderstandings may arise when the upbringing principles of parents clash. This conflict can be detrimental to their child. Sole Custody As the term suggests, sole custody gives custodial rights to only one parent while the other parent s rights is limited only to visiting the child. Maybe because people just have different personalities and different upbringing that affect the way they see life in general. If one wants to survive in these hard times, he or she must start developing a positive outlook in life. This can be done by trying to see the good in bad at all time or whenever possible. For a person who is preparing for a draining emotional battle, it is best to keep track of how you are doing so you will know where are the areas that you should improve on and what are the things that you should continue doing. If you are able to develop a good outlook in life before the child custody case, everything will start falling into their proper places. Usually and ideally, it is in the best interest of the child to keep a close and healthy relationship with both parents. However, maintaining such a relationship can be difficult in some cases, and this can get in the way of resolving a custody dispute. If you are caught in the middle of a custody conflict, it is important that you focus on making decisions based on the best interest of your children. This is because the process involves not just two adults who have the skills to move forward and go on to live a new life but more focused on what is in store for kids after the inevitable break up. If you are one of those who are in the process of divorce and planning to file for a child custody, then you should stop dwelling on your past and move ahead for the betterment of the people that you love the most your children. If disagreements involving custody rights still ensue, a court hearing will proceed to determine who gets which custody rights. During the custody hearings, the judge will consider several factors before making a decision about the custody rights of each parent. Usually, courts depend on a psychologist s expert testimony, which evaluates options for custody rights by examining a number of important factors. 

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