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The fascinating rhythms and mesmerizing body movements of this dance make it one of the more popular ballroom dances. The Rumba was influenced by the Spanish and Africans with most of the development of the dance taking place in Cuba. The Rumba evolved in 19th century Havana, originating with the African Negro slaves who had been imported. Unlike the other ballroom dances the Jive doesn't require moving around the dance floor, however, even though it looks like the dancers feet are flying every which way the feet should be directly under the body with the knees always close together. You'll see the woman being twirled a lot and lots of kicks. The instructor will give a sign for each step in much the same way hearing dancers will get a vocal count from their instructor. Deaf and hearing-impaired dance students work had to remain "in time" with or without music. The most important things for teaching these students to dance are a visual count, high quality sound systems and use of sign language. Not only is performing a ballroom dance for your wedding very sentimental, but it is also likely to be remembered by everyone. However, a ballroom dance doesn't have to be strictly between the bride and groom. It can involve the bride and her father, the groom and his mother, or anyone else the happy couple chooses to share a dance with. The USABDA now governs all forms of amateur ballroom dancing in the United States. Over the last 12 years USABDA has promoted the growth of all forms of ballroom dance as well as coming up with a program to establish chapters in each state. They have enjoyed major growth in numbers of chapters, dancers, competitions, workshops and social dances each year. Most ballroom dresses come in a variety of colors and there are usually no limitations in this aspect. It is common American protocol for women to match their partner when it comes to choosing the color of their ballroom dress. However, the color can be anything the couple chooses, but it should be kept in mind that the shoes will need to match the dress exactly. 

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