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3 Tango Basics You NEED TO KNOW for Ballroom Dance

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"From This Moment On" is a song performed by legendary country music singer Shania Twain and is a popular choice among bride and groom dances. This song remains slow and romantic, but the beat is slightly faster compared to the Elvis Presley songs. "From This Moment On" is an excellent choice for dancing the foxtrot, a slow yet very smooth dance that follows forward and backward patterns around the dance floor. Ballroom dancing was originally performed to acoustic guitars, violins, and cellos. This kind of music was appropriate at the time, as most ballroom dances were slow and very precise. However, as time passed and ballroom dancing gained popularity, the music changed right along with the dances. Gone are the days of the mellow acoustic strings; today, a variety of music is used in ballroom dancing. The waltz is a very popular dance in weddings and special events and is considered to be one of the most romantic dances. Last but not least, the tango is a dance performed which demonstrates the history behind Argentinean cowboys and their dance partners from centuries ago. Often the cowboys would attend night clubs after a day of riding their horses and would not shower, which compelled the women to embrace them in the crook of the cowboy's right arm. Over the last 12 years USABDA has promoted the growth of all forms of ballroom dance as well as coming up with a program to establish chapters in each state. They have enjoyed major growth in numbers of chapters, dancers, competitions, workshops and social dances each year. Each year the USABDA sends United States representatives to the World Games. Most ballroom dresses do not extend all the way to the floor - this is probably because a long dress could become tangled in the dancer's feet and lead to a disaster on the dance floor. However, the style of ballroom dress greatly depends on the type of dance being performed. For example, the paso doble is a popular style of ballroom dance that incorporates Spanish culture in the steps. However, if you have never been the dancing type before, you may be a bit apprehensive and a bit confused as to where to start. Here are some helpful tips to learning ballroom dancing. First of all, it's possible that you're really shy and aren't ready to attend a class of other dancers. While personal instruction is best, it isn't your only option. 

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