Used aluminum beverage cans are among the most easily-recyclable items today. A used aluminum can be recycled and returned back to the grocery shelf in as little as 60 days, and recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to power a television set for 3 hours. 2.5 million plastic bottles are used in the United States each day, and most of them are thrown away. Many materials can be recycled, from paper, glass, metal, aluminum, clothing, textiles, electronic goods, to light bulbs and even used water. Why Recycling Used Water is Important Water recycling is primarily done to turn back dirty water into something that s useful. While the thought of using recycled water may be offensive to some, recycled water actually has a lot of uses. Find out if your community has programs or facilities for recycling this type of plastic bottles, since some areas don t have facilities for recycling certain types of plastic. Before you bring your plastic bottles to the local recycling facility, wash or rinse them first. Repeat the process until the insides of the bottles are empty and clean, and don t smell anymore. The production of cardboard is often considered a costly one, because more resources are required to complete it. The good thing is that cardboard can be recycled. Here are a few tips for the proper recycling of cardboard. Which Types Of Cardboard Can Be Recycled? According to recycling experts, two types of cardboard can be recycled. The tight sealing of these landfills though effectively inhibits the natural degradation of organic wastes. What happens once our landfills reach full capacity? Could recycling help provide us with answers to our looming garbage crisis? How The Recycling Movement is Picking Up Steam Today Because environment advocates and government planners worry about the threat of a full-blown garbage crisis, more and more programs are now being implemented to prevent the overflowing of our landfills. A typical CFL unit will contain as much as 3 to 5 mg of mercury, while some contain 1 mg or less. Since mercury is a highly-toxic material, its disposal in landfills or incinerators poses a major health safety issue, because burning or burying them in the ground can contribute to air and water pollution.
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