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The Recycling Song for Kids [by Boo Boo Gaga] #booboogaga

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Black water can not easily be recycled, because it may contain feces or other bacteria, therefore it needs to go to a waste water treatment plant to be properly recycled. As potable water supplies are becoming more limited, and there s fear of widespread water shortages, recycling water has become a popular idea these days. You can also turn it into a pool, bath or beach toy for your kids. Slice or cut out simple shapes, and make a sail using a toothpick, lollipop or some thin stick. You can also design Styrofoam into rings or squares that the children can use as a float in the pool. Styrofoam boxes can also be used for leftovers to help germinate seeds. You may already know that anything made from metal has got some value to it, from a metal wire or can to large steel beam. When collected together, these items are sure to earn you decent sums of money. Go around your street or neighborhood, and find out the areas where you easily can find scrap metal items. Artifacts and archeological studies have indicated that as early as 400 BC, ancient waste dumps have shown less household wastes, especially during periods where there was a reported scarcity in resources. The lack of household wastes in ancient dumpsites has clearly shown that more waste was being recycled, due to the scarcity of new materials. An obsolete computer actually serves as a wonderful source of useful raw materials. However, if the old computer is not properly disposed or handled, it can be a source of harmful toxins and carcinogens, which pollute the environment and can cause death and injury to both man and animals. Rapid advances in technology, coupled with low initial costs has resulted in an ever-increasing surplus of computers and computer parts worldwide. The total number though does not include data from hazardous, industrial and construction waste. The level of composting, or the process of recycling leave, grass and other organic items, rose from 3,227 in 2003, to 3,470 in 2005 alone. From 2005 alone, 50 percent of all paper products in the country was recycled, which amounted to 42 million tons of recycled paper. 

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