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Plastic Recycling is an Actual Scam | Climate Town

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Some used tires are also chopped up and mixed as part of the surface for indoor tennis courts or indoor sports playing fields. Pyrolisis- A New Method For Recycling Used Tires While the improper disposal or burning of used car tires has not yet completely disappeared, the disposal and recycling of these items has improved. Recycling plastic can save as much energy as compared to burning it in incinerators. 16 billion diapers, 1.6 billion pens, 220 million car tires, and 2 billion razor blades are discarded each year in the US alone. The United States is the number one garbage-producing nation in the planet, which amounts to an estimated 1,609 pounds of trash per person. Aluminum is made into a wide assortment of products, including cans, trays, foil wrappers and a whole lot more. The recycling of aluminum cans pays approximately one cent per can, although the money can really add up if these are combined with other aluminum products. Glass is another common material that s accepted at recycling facilities. A lot of materials can be recycled. Apart from metal, glass, plastic, aluminum, textiles, paper and electronics, organic wastes can also be composted and made into fertilizer. Rubber tires can now also be shredded and turned into insulation, erosion barriers and other unique products. Here s a review of the popular and widely-accepted recycling programs of today. While recycling has not yet been fully accepted by some societies, recent figures suggest that public acceptance, and the market for recycled products, has significantly risen. Today, most cities and towns have laws and enforced systems for collecting and handling recyclable material. One of the major reasons for the increasing popularity of recycling, is the need for reducing the amount of garbage sent to landfills. While some skeptics argue that recycling costs so much more than traditional garbage disposal methods, green advocates say that the prices paid for scrap materials are a direct measure of the immense value of recyclables. For example, scarp aluminum fetches a high price because recycling it eats up less energy as compared to producing a new aluminum can or container. 

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