Here s a more in-depth and balanced look at how recycling helps to benefit both man and the environment. Recycling Cuts Manufacturing Costs, And Saves Money According to environment advocates and government planners, recycling saves businesses, governments and households considerable sums of money. According to the Institute for Local Self Reliance, communities save money when they treat recycling as a replacement for traditional waste disposal and handling methods. However, some towns and cities require their residents to first sort the recyclables themselves, to make it easier for garbage crews to handle the recyclables. Refund or Deposit Programs This program is popular in the US, especially for buyers of canned or bottled beverages. The beverage bottles or cans have a deposit added to the purchase price. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 used to be the main federal law governing the recycling of computers. However, new federal bills, such as the National Computer Recycling Act, have been introduced to reduce electronic waste, and mitigate their environmental impact. Many computer manufacturers are now also offering some form of recycling to their clients. Before you bring your plastic bottles to the local recycling facility, wash or rinse them first. Repeat the process until the insides of the bottles are empty and clean, and don t smell anymore. Remove the caps on the plastic bottle. Depending on which state or county you re living, some areas pay from 5 to 10 cents for refunding some plastic bottles. How To Recycle Old Tires Recycling is defined as the process of re-using waste materials or used products, and turning them into new products. The most commonly-recycled materials include plastic, glass, metal, textiles, and different electronic components. However, would it be possible to recycle old or used car tires? Go around your street or neighborhood, and find out the areas where you easily can find scrap metal items. To easily find sellable scrap metal items, search at the curbside, as well as check your neighborhood junk shop to find valuable scrap metal items. You can also contact a business or shop that removes or fixes metal accessories from homes or motor vehicles.
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