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Recycling - Part 1

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Depending on how much time and effort you put into it, there are many ways for you to make money from recycling. Make Money From Recycling Aluminum Cans And Glass Aluminum and glass are among the most common recyclable items today. Aluminum is made into a wide assortment of products, including cans, trays, foil wrappers and a whole lot more. A used aluminum can be recycled and returned back to the grocery shelf in as little as 60 days, and recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to power a television set for 3 hours. 2.5 million plastic bottles are used in the United States each day, and most of them are thrown away. The plastics and other types of trash that end up in our seas and oceans are estimated to kill as much as 1 million sea creatures every year. The recycled plastic pellets can then be made into different products, from carpeting materials to flower pots, lumber substitutes and many more. While many of us frown on plastic, the sad thing is that we're using more and more of them than ever before. If you're worried about the effects of plastic on the environment, here's how you can personally help. Recycling refers to the process or re-processing and using used materials, into new products, Recycling helps in preventing the waste of potentially-useful materials or components, and helps in reducing air and water pollution, and aids in the lowering of dangerous greenhouse gas emissions too. Recyclable materials come in different kinds, from paper, glass, metal, plastic, to textiles and other electronic components. Recycling Hazardous Wastes How It s Done According to official US environmental laws, a hazardous waste is generally referred to as any waste that poses serious threats to the environment or to public health. These types of waste have the potential to cause irreversible illness or environmental damage, especially if these are improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed or managed. Here are some tips for starting a recycling program in your school. Organize A Team, And Determine How Much Trash Your School Disposes A nice way for starting a recycling program in your school is to first organize a team, which may consist of students, teachers, administrators and other school staff. 

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