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Acid Reflux Remedies: 2 simple Exercises for Instant Relief

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These foods are hart to digest and it can also cause damage to your lower esophageal sphincter or LES. The LES acts as a valve that lets food in to the stomach and keeps stomach acid out. When the LES doesn t function properly, it will let stomach acid flow freely in to the esophagus when you experience acid reflux. Over the counter antacids are the oldest and also one of the most effective treatments for heartburn. Hundreds of years ago, people chewed on chalk to ease heartburn. This is because chalk contains calcium carbonate, which is a very effective acid neutralizer. Antacid tablets may be effective but they are slow to act. This is actually the stomach acid that you taste, which explains the sour taste. Eating big meals will worsen your heartburn problem because your body or your stomach will produce excess acid in order to digest huge amounts of food. This is why you have to try and eat smaller meals at least 6 times a day instead of eating 3 large meals a day. It irritates that esophagus and causes a burning sensation that starts on the diaphragm and make its way up just behind the breastbone. In most cases, it is also accompanied by a bitter and sour taste, which is mainly the stomach acid making its way in to your mouth. So, what causes stomach acid to flow up to the esophagus? It will also be accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth, which is primarily the stomach acid you regurgitated. If you are suffering from heartburn, simple lifestyle changes must be made in order for you to prevent it from happening to you or at least lessen its frequency. The first is to lose weight. This will keep stomach acid production on a minimum and eventually prevent heartburn. You should also avoid foods and beverages that reduce pressure on the LES or the lower esophageal sphincter. This means that you have to avoid chocolate, caffeine containing food and beverages, peppermint, and fried or fatty foods. 

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