The cash expenses will be difficult to keep record of if you are not aware. Lunches, coffee, parking ticket, beers, movies and the like are hard to remember unless you write them down as soon as they are incurred. As you go on with your budgeting, you can add more categories. Modification is constant for spending is not only limited to your regular expenditures. There are a lot of souvenir shops around that can give you an inspiration for your own wedding giveaways. Buy one and buy the raw materials for its production from your local supermarkets or office supplies stores. This will help you maximize your wedding budget. For entertainment, you can ask friends who can belt out a Mariah Carey to sing for the night; an overly talkative officemate as the host. After a short period of time, enough will be accumulated that you can deposit into your savings account. Another problem that goes against your household budgeting is that most consumers overspend because they buy things on impulse. The next time you are tempted into making an impulse buy, ask yourself the following questions: - Should I spend my hard earned money on this? SAVE TO PAY DEBTS Since your program is debt management budgeting, you have to allot certain percentage from your income just to settle your debts. For evey income that comes in, automatically save five percent (5%) from it. That five percent shall be used specifically to pay debts. It shall not be used for any other purposes. You don't have to have millions to start investing. If your start up investment is just about $1000, invest it in treasury bills to gain steady returns, or in a time deposit even for five years time only. Careful budgeting and planning will help you determine which is right for you. There are many forms of investments out there. You can make use of a pie chart to keep your budgeting handy. In your chart, the most important necessity, which is food, should occupy the biggest slice of pie. The money allotted for it should only be enough to buy a cheap but nutritious and delicious meal. Here are further budgeting tips that can prevent you from acting like you haven t eaten for decades, and grab almost everything you find edible from the grocery racks.
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