Exceptions are foie gras and p t s. Instead, you slice or shave them over risotto, soups, sauces, pasta, and even plain scrambled eggs. Transform your bland dishes into flavorful and appetizing ones! There is a wide variety of truffle recipes that you can experiment at your own kitchen. You don t have to a chef to do that! Experts say that truffles grow symbiotic relationship with their respective environments. Since truffles are hard to find, truffle hunting has become a big business when truffle season comes. From fall to spring, trufficulteurs or those who hunt for truffles for selling make use dogs that are specially-trained especially in finding buried things usually at night time. They are low in calories but contain high amount of vegetable protein, chitin, iron, zinc, fiber, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Calcium, minerals, vitamins B and C are commonly found in several mushrooms. Truffles are different from other mushrooms since it is a hypogean or an underground mushroom. Check the truffles for softness and firmness. Truffles with soft spots tend to have worms in them. Avoid buying such truffles. Also, don t buy truffles that are rubbery, slimy, or spongy. If you are going to buy summer truffles, it must be golf ball-sized with only minor flaws. Choose truffles that have dark exterior colors and white or light color in their exterior. Chinese truffles have recently become a staple in a number of restaurants in the United States. 2. Italian White Truffles or Piedmont Truffles Found in the mountains of southern Yugoslavia and central and northern Italy, Piedmont truffles grow near beech, hazelnut, oak, and poplar trees. Truffle enthusiasts regard Italian white truffles as the best truffle mushrooms next to the Perigord. Black French truffles are compatible with dark meat poultry like ducks and venison, red meet and red wine sauces. They also blend well with mild cheeses like sweet goat cheese, pastry and pancetta. Unlike the Italian white, they need to simmer slowly along with the dish. Oregon white truffles are very much like the Italian white, it is white and juicy.
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