When dried, it has only about two to eight percent of fat which are mostly crude fat and lipid compounds such as fatty acids, sterols, phospholipids, glycerides and linoleic acid. 4. It is cholesterol free. This is probably the biggest health benefit of truffles. Through the years, cholesterol has been considered as of the risk factors of coronary heart conditions and other related diseases. In doing so, you know your various choices and how to pick the best one for your particular dish. Winter white truffle - This truffle type goes by other equally popular names such as Italian white truffle, Piedmont truffle, and white truffle from Alba. As the name suggests, this truffle is harvested in winter months from October through December. Although pigs are proven quite effective in hunting for truffles, there is one disadvantage. Once they find the truffles, they would eat it right away and the hunter could no longer stop them. Because of the nature of female pigs, trufficulteurs has decided to use dogs instead because they do not consume the pricey delicacy once these are located. Italian White Truffles or Piedmont Truffles Found in the mountains of southern Yugoslavia and central and northern Italy, Piedmont truffles grow near beech, hazelnut, oak, and poplar trees. Truffle enthusiasts regard Italian white truffles as the best truffle mushrooms next to the Perigord. However, this truffle variety costs more than its superior counterpart. Since they are grow underground and among roots of trees, truffle hunters would usually have an assistance of a pig or a truffle-sniffing-dog to find these belowground mushrooms. The time to look and gather truffles is very intensive. Truffles are also low in abundance. Nowadays, in an attempt to meet the demand for truffles, there are some Americans who are growing black truffles commercially. The Basics Of Cooking Truffles Aside from the fact that truffles are rare, intensive and slow to harvest, truffles also provide a delicate and earthly flavour which makes it a jewel in the culinary world. And a jewel comes with a price. A pound usually costs from hundreds or thousands of dollars. But the culinary experience and delight that one gets from them is truly worth it.
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