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Gordon Ramsay Makes a Truffle Egg Sandwich in Croatia | Scrambled

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When used, this type of truffle is mixed with dishes with pineapple, ground almonds, Parmesan and chocolate as ingredients. - the French black truffle or Tuber melanosporum. This is considered as among the most expensive types, ranging from $1000 to $3000 per pound. Exclusively found in Perigord region in France before, other countries like United States, Spain, and Australia because of the high demand. Because of the rarity of this mushroom, the production of Black Truffles has been made almost exclusively in the European countries. Black truffles are sold for about 1,000 per kilo when bought in the farmer's market. Its price could go double at 3,490 per kilo when bought from a retailer. Then there s the Chinese Truffles. Truffles can be found in countries like France, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, some parts in the Middle East and North Africa. They can also be grown and found in United States, particularly in Oregon and Washington. They can be found under the roots of oak, elm, chestnut, pine and willow trees. There are just few trees which are not associated to truffle growth, like maple and cedar trees. Truffles are a special kind of mushroom with wrinkled and irregular shapes. The difficulty of finding them and their scarcity make them all the more valuable and of course, expensive. For culinary purposes, truffles can be so versatile because they can be added to almost every delicacy. If you want to try them, the following are several tips on cooking with truffles. Truffles with pungent flavor such as winter varieties can be stored in whole eggs or uncooked rice that can absorb excess flavor. If you want to freeze the truffles, you can keep them in olive oil before doing that. Make sure that the truffles are 100% covered in oil. This storage method will prevent freezer burn and capture the aroma of the truffle into the oil, hence the truffle aroma. Then there are also other varieties or species of truffles which are not commonly used including the black truffle or the tuber macrosporum and the scorzone truffle or the tuber mesentericum. These types are commonly found in the U.S., specifically in the Pacific Northwest, for commercial and recreational uses. 

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