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Best Soft Contact Lenses in 2018 -- My Top 3 Daily Lenses

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Something you may experience with your new contacts is dry eyes. Dryness in the eyes when wearing contacts is very common, and should be expected. When wearing glasses, this is one problem you won t have. If your eyes start to dry out when wearing your contacts, you should put a few drops of re-wetting or saline solution in your eyes. Benefits Of 1 Day Acuvue Contacts If you wear contact lenses, you may want to look into the 1 day lenses from Acuvue. These contact lenses put a stop to using messy solution, as they don t need to be cleaned at all. You simply wear your contacts during the day, then toss them away at night. The 1 day lenses from Acuvue totally eliminate the hassle commonly associated with leaving your contacts in solution during the night, then cleaning them once you wake up. If you experience any type of burning with your contacts after soaking them in solution, you should try another solution. Depending on your eyes, some types of solutions may leave you with a burning sensation. This is very common, although switching to a different contact lens solution will more than likely stop the burning or irritation. There are different manufacturers that produce different types of bifocal contact lenses, meaning that it may take you a bit of research and experimenting to find which type works the best for you. Some lenses however, are made with a unique design, known as concentric. Similar to concentric circles, there are two adjustments - one in the middle the other around the outside. Contacts need to be cleaned as well, before you put them in and soaked in solution when you aren t using them. You may also need to use eye drops as well throughout the day when wearing contacts, especially if your eyes start to dry out. Glasses and contact lenses can both correct astigmatism as well. Before you handle your contacts, or put them in your eyes, you should always wash your hands with soap and water, and dry them thoroughly. If you handle your contacts with dirty hands, you could easily get dirt or debris on your lenses and transfer that dirt that you put on the lens into your eye - which could result in an eye infection. 

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