In definition, presbyopia is the lack of focusing on things in close range. The cause for this, is the lens in our eyes becoming less and less flexible as we grow older. The bad part is, most of us will need some type of corrective lenses, such as contact lenses or glasses and possibly even bifocals at some point in our lives as this condition gets worse. If your hands aren t clean, you can also scratch or tear your contact lens, which can do damage to your eyes, possibly even scratch the cornea. When you put your contacts in, you should try and put them in using the same order each and every time. This way, you ll know which contact goes in first and you won t get them mixed up. Normally, after you have been fitted for contact lenses, the optician and his staff will show you how to put your contacts in, how to care for them, and anything else you need to know about them. Taking care of your contact isn t hard to do. As long as you take care of them, they will take care of you. When you compare them, there really aren t that many differences. A lot of contact lens users feel that the cheaper brands of contacts are reliable, dependable, comfortable, and above everything else - affordable. Even though cheap lenses are praised by some - others don t look at them that way. Some feel that cheaper lenses should be avoided at all cost, for the fear that they may damage vision or not offer the same quality that the higher priced brands of contacts offer. Although your doctor will help you select the best pair for your eyes, you should always know a little bit about the contacts that are available to choose from. All contact lenses can be separated depending on their wearing schedule, purpose, material, and over transparency. Materials Contacts can be separated or best determined by their material. The one thing that hard and soft contact lenses have in common, is the fact that you must wash your hands before you handle either of them. You should always wash your hands with soap and water before you handle your hard lenses. Antibacterial soap is the best soap to use, as it will thoroughly clean your hands and it doesn t contain any type of fragrance.
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