Protein removers These products come in the form of liquid, and remove the protein from your contact lenses on a daily basis. They can be used with multipurpose solution as well, as they will get all of the protein buildup off your contacts. To use daily protein remover products, simply add your normal solution to your case, then add a drop or two of the remover to your solution and put your contacts in. Hard contact lenses will last you for a long time, providing you take care of them. Most contact lenses will last you longer than soft lenses, without needing to be replaced for months at a time. They are easy to clean as well, providing you know how to clean them. You can find the soaking and cleaning solution at your local department store, with several brands to choose from. A majority of contact lenses are made of water and polymers, most being more than 50% water. Even though the contact is moist and may feel comfortable in your eye, the water will start to evaporate from the contact lens as you wear it. When this happens, the contact will draw moisture from the tears in your eyes, which results in dryness. This is especially important overnight, as the solution gets the protein out of your contacts. If you don t soak them in solution, they can end up causing damage to your eyes. If you experience any type of burning with your contacts after soaking them in solution, you should try another solution. Depending on your eyes, some types of solutions may leave you with a burning sensation. As long as you clean and disinfect them on a regular basis, they will last you for quite a while. Without the supervision of a doctor, may doctors don t advise the use of non prescription contact lenses. Doctors will tell you that when they don t monitor the fitting, usage of the contacts, and the overall effects, they may cause you serious problems and possibly even blindness. Contacts are an ideal choice for many, for the simple fact that they feel natural - almost like a pair of eyes that you never knew you had. Something to keep in mind, is the fact that cheap contact lenses aren t the best of quality. As the name states, these types of lens are cheap in price - and also quality.
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