They aren t that expensive either - especially if you buy them in bulk. If you are just starting to wear contact lenses, using Acuvue 1 day lenses will be the smartest move you have ever hade. These lenses offer you everything people know and love from the Acuvue brand, along with an experience you will love. Before you put them in, you should always inspect them each and every time to make sure they aren t torn or damaged. If you notice a tear or anything wrong with your lenses, you should immediately discard them and switch to a fresh pair. To get the most from your contacts and ensure that they remain comfortable, you should always take care of them and use a bit of common sense. The one thing that hard and soft contact lenses have in common, is the fact that you must wash your hands before you handle either of them. You should always wash your hands with soap and water before you handle your hard lenses. Antibacterial soap is the best soap to use, as it will thoroughly clean your hands and it doesn t contain any type of fragrance. When you add color to your lenses - you are telling the world that you are different. No matter what color you are interested in, you can find colored lenses that match your preference. There are hundreds of different styles available, from kids to adults. You ll also have several different manufacturers to choose from as well, which makes it easier than ever to get a pair of colored lenses that you can depend on. Before you put the contact lenses into your eyes, you should always rinse them with another produce first. 5. Cleaning and disinfecting As the names imply, this is for both disinfecting and cleaning your contacts. Cleaning is normally achieved by either ultrasonic waves or agitation, where the disinfecting is done by multipurpose solution or UV light. They are also used as a reservoir for certain medicines that are used to treat various cornea diseases and malfunctions. The type for you With there being several different types of contacts available on the market, you should consult with your optician to find out which are the best for you. If you don t have astigmatism, you certainly wouldn t want to get toric lenses.
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