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7 Tips for Using Contact Lenses Safely

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Contacts are an ideal choice for many, for the simple fact that they feel natural - almost like a pair of eyes that you never knew you had. Something to keep in mind, is the fact that cheap contact lenses aren t the best of quality. As the name states, these types of lens are cheap in price - and also quality. There are different manufacturers that produce different types of bifocal contact lenses, meaning that it may take you a bit of research and experimenting to find which type works the best for you. Some lenses however, are made with a unique design, known as concentric. Similar to concentric circles, there are two adjustments - one in the middle the other around the outside. If you can t seem to get your contacts to go in your eyes, you shouldn t force them. Instead, you should put some solution in the palm of your hand, and gently rub the contact in the solution. Then, before you put it back in your eyes, you should put some solution on it and it should go in your eye without any complications. You have many different manufacturers as well, offering many different types, colors, and styles. Not all are suitable for you though, as no 2 eyes are the same. When you get fitted for your contact lenses, your optician will be able to help you make that decision. When you first start wearing your contacts, you should never wear them for extended periods of time. Depending on how you handle them, you may sometimes scratch the material. Scratches on the contact can be very serious, especially if you aren t aware of it and put the contact in your eye. It can cause you serious trouble, such as an infection or even scratch your cornea. The easiest way to prevent this is to examine your contacts before you wear them. One of the best attributes to extended wear contact lenses is the fact that they are very comfortable. They are easy to put in your eyes, and most people don t even notice that they are wearing any contact lenses at all. Even though some people may experience discomfort with them, the majority of those who wear them find them to be very comfortable. 

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