These contacts contain a special agent for re-wetting purposes, which enables the contact lens to remain moist, even if your eyes aren t producing enough tears. They are daily wear contacts, and should be soaked in solution at night and replaced every two weeks or so. Even though dry eyes are very common, you can always help to rectify the situation by using right pair of contacts. Your cleaner is very important, as you must have it with hard contacts. The one thing that hard and soft contact lenses have in common, is the fact that you must wash your hands before you handle either of them. You should always wash your hands with soap and water before you handle your hard lenses. If you don t have astigmatism, you certainly wouldn t want to get toric lenses. If you don t know anything about contact lenses, you may end up doing your eyes more harm than good. Contact lenses are designed to correct your vision and often times protect your eyes, which is why you want to choose them carefully. Once you put a pair of advance lenses in your eyes, you ll notice the benefits of Hydraclear immediately. It doesn t dry out like other contact lenses, keeping your eyes refreshed while you wear them. Acuvue advance contacts also offer you great protection as well. They offer the highest type of UVA blocking and UV ray protection available for contact lenses. These are all great contacts, although you should check with your optician to see what he recommends. If you are just starting to wear hard contact lenses or have thought about them in the past, you ll need a 2 - 4 week break period, where you will gradually wear the contacts longer and longer with each passing day. Colored contacts work the same as other types of contacts. You simply use your prescription for contacts and select the color you want. If you are ordering them online, you ll find hundreds and hundreds of different colors and images. There are more colors and selections available online - making it the best way to invest in your contact lenses.
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