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How to Clean Soft Contact Lenses and Contact Lens Case

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Some may need to be removed every 2 weeks, monthly, or even daily. The more advanced contact lenses, such as Night and Day contacts, will allow you to wear them all day and all night. Just like other contacts however, you will still need to clean them on a regular basis to ensure that the protein is removed. They clean much easier and faster than soft lenses, and they will last you longer as well. For a lot of contact lenses users, gas permeable lenses are the preferred way to go. If you wear GP lenses or looking to wear them, you ll need to keep a re-wetting solution or saline drops with you just in case they start to get dry. With that in mind, taking care of and cleaning hard lenses is very different that cleaning and maintaining soft contact lenses. Before you purchase a pair of hard or rigid contacts, you should know how to take care of them and how to clean them. Hard contacts differ from soft contacts, as the cleaning process is very different. Your optician will tell you what he recommends, which is normally a few hours during the day then take them out. With each passing day, you can wear them for longer periods until your eyes gradually adjust. Another aspect that will take some getting used to, that you don t face with glasses, is knowing how to handle your contact lenses. The instructions for the brand you selected will be on the bottle, and you should always follow them to avoid damage to your eyes or your contacts. 6. Protein removers These products come in the form of liquid, and remove the protein from your contact lenses on a daily basis. They can be used with multipurpose solution as well, as they will get all of the protein buildup off your contacts. Something to keep in mind, is the fact that cheap contact lenses aren t the best of quality. As the name states, these types of lens are cheap in price - and also quality. Normally, they are the way to go for people who can t afford the better brands. Even thought the quality isn t the best in the world, those who wear cheap contacts normally don t have any complaints. 

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