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I WAS WRONG - How I Set Goals

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There s nothing more annoying than a person trying to tell you something, yet you can t understand what he's talking about. The same goes for your inner self. Being indecisive is frustrating and feeding this habit will only be futile to your quest of searching for career goal answers. The more detailed you are with your plans, the better. Do not make the mistake of planning to improve your personal over-all goals in order to "carry over" your professional goal. Attack the two concerns separately. Of course it is only natural that some aspect of your professional goals are preset in your personal goal setting and vice versa. This is only natural. If the goal or plan is way below to your capacity, your tendency is to be lax, and this will not develop your productivity. The essence of planning and goal setting is to improve or elevate your performance. There s no way that the elements in your plan will not help you improve for the better. The fifth letter in smart goal setting stands for TANGIBLE. This will give you a concrete basis for further review in the future. It will also save you from having to grope your mind for the ideas you came up with during one 'eureka' moment. 4. Use active words. Active words are not only for writers; they should also work perfectly with your business goal. Do not use passive words and passive sentences because these will give you the feeling of indirect responsibility. Setting a time table would also create a little or self-imposed deadline to yourself, which would in turn make you act out more efficiently and effectively into doing or carrying out your desired actions or outcomes. Expert help Many other fitness goal setting programs would certainly demand an expert or professional advice. You can get a piece of paper and write them all down, then keep the paper where it can be easily found. You can post at the door, your headboard, the wall, or even at the door of the fridge. That would make the written financial goals easily read, thus, they would serve as constant reminder of the financial aspects you aim to achieve in the short or long run. 

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