Make sure you do something to achieve your life goals, not just merely wait and see what unfolds. Be determined. Sometimes, there are goals that you fail to achieve. Do not let these simple failures halt you when attempting to achieve your life goals. Determined people would surely not falter. Moreover, life goals could be made easier to achieve if you have focus. Perhaps it's time to go back to school for another degree, or engage in any thought provoking activities. 6. Family. What is your idea of a family? Getting married, having and raising kids? When? How? 7. Social involvement. Perhaps you want to help achieve something that would make the world a better place? Some tips when setting goals Here are several practical guidelines that would help you set goals effectively. Focus on your goals. In the long run you, would surely realize the value and effectiveness of focusing and concentrating to achieve your long-term and short-term goals. Have a long view and concept of the outcome or results. Or, perhaps, you re already in the middle of your career, and you feel that you seem not to be going anywhere, or you re always in doubt if you have chosen the right career. Do any of these sound familiar to you? This is a sign that a career goal setting plan is in order. But, before you begin, be sure to figure out first what you want to happen in your career. This will give you a concrete basis for further review in the future. It will also save you from having to grope your mind for the ideas you came up with during one 'eureka' moment. 4. Use active words. Active words are not only for writers; they should also work perfectly with your business goal. Do not use passive words and passive sentences because these will give you the feeling of indirect responsibility. This work can be trickier than you might think because this would entail setting a performance for the company that the employees will accept as their own. The connection and relationship between the company s long term goals might not appear to compliments even the employees short term goals. The connection should be made apparent right from the start.
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