What you can do is list down all the foods including the drinks that you have taken in for one day and make an assessment after that day. In this way, you can track down which are the foods and drinks you have taken affect your daily skin habits. The following are just some of the list of foods that might lead one to ugly skin: 1. It is important that before you look for a good doctor, you know how much you are willing to spend. The doctor that you should be asking for should be within that budget. Otherwise, you will only be wasting your time. 4. Make sure that you have all the facts Before you go hunting for doctors, make sure that you have already done your research on the procedure. If you don t have to put on make-up, don t do it. This is because make-up or any additional chemicals that you put on your skin can cause breakouts on your skin. It is better that you make it natural so as to let the skin breathe. 4. Minimize scratching or even touching your face. Remember that sensitive skin tend to pick up dirt and grime easily and react to it. Still, with the extreme heat of the sun and people s penchant for sunbathing, many young people nowadays have developed dark spots on their skin. Dark spots are the result of the overactive production of melanin as a response to extreme heat. Solution: Sunscreen. Sunscreen. Sunscreen. Need we say more? In fact, the sun is the number one culprit when it comes to wrinkles and dark spots. The sun can destroy the skin s natural protection. That it why it is important that you put sunscreen every day, even when you are not planning to go to the beach or to go out. Experts recommend the use of sunscreens that have SPH 15 or higher for all day protection. Make sure that the acne cream you plan to buy is hypoallergenic and can be used by children or pregnant women without enduring any pain or discomfort. Knowing the ingredients used in the product will ensure that the acne cream has balanced formulation to deliver effective results. 4. Do a little research on how the formulation and content of these creams help cure the skin infection.
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