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NUS researchers pioneer painless treatment for breast cancer using magnetic fields

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Magnet Therapy In ancient civilizations like those of found in China, Egypt, India and Greece, magnets are already used to heal different forms of illnesses. When thinking about magnet therapy, magnets used are different from those we have on our refrigerator doors. Household magnets, like those in fridge, only have 10 gauss (used in measuring magnet power). Also lately, magnets have been subjected to that old question again whether it really works. Pain relief Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston found magnets effective at blocking pains caused by post-polio syndrome. The syndrome is marked by leg pains and affects up to 20% of polio patients later in life. However, MRI subjects people under high levels of magnetism only for a short time, while magnets for their illnesses subject patients to long-term magnetic fields, however low those may be. Prohibitions Totally prohibited is the use of magnets on people with defibrillators and pacemakers. There is fear magnets might interfere with the sensitive electronic parts. The Chinese also associate the poles with their traditional yin and yang, where the north pole is the yin and the south pole is the yang. Accordingly, the north pole (negative yin) is traditionally attributed as cooling and sedating and is associated to heal low back pain, arthritis, inflammation, headaches, and sharp pains. However, some would argue that magnetic jewelries do not induce much healing because of the small magnets used and the limited positions they are placed on the body. Despite having no definite scientific proof to back up claims of magnetic therapists that magnets can induce healing, more and more people are beginning to believe and use magnets as a complementary form of treatment. While the south pole, slows down the metabolism process. Therefore, to increase your body s metabolism you would have to place the north pole of the magnet on the base of your throat, the thyroid. Aside from that, one common reason for weight gain is stress. Magnetic therapy could help in reducing stress and reducing its effects on our hormones. 

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