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Treatment of Back pain

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Most physical therapists would suggest that the patient lie on the floor with pillows underneath his head and knees. It is important that the hips and knees are bent in this posture. This will help free the back from the weight and stress it is carrying. If your case is severe, you may need to rest in this position for one to two days. These are normally good structures, which are separated by discs that allow free mobility. Muscles and ligaments further support these vertebrae. Close to one hundred percent of all complaints with regards to back pain is directly linked to improper coordination and workings of these components. The cause of back pain may be sudden rather than what is usually perceived as the result of overworking for a single period of time. Otherwise, the chord has nothing to do with frequent back pain rather, the problem may be associated with nerve roots. The spinal chord ends at the lumbar 1(L1). The spinal column is divided into several sections, the lumbar section comprise the lower back where weight is generally concentrated. Additionally, it is in the lumbar where nerve roots may be located, impairment or any condition that may lead to such is the proponent to pain but never the spinal chord. Trauma is the result of too aggressive movements associated with house works, sports activities, injuries, sudden jolts and stresses on the ligaments or the spinal bone. Though surgery may be advised as advance low back pain relief treatment, there are cases that would not need such. For the mildest of cases and those that only require relief from discomfort and inflammation, pain reliever may be more than sufficient. It is frequently caused by myofascial pain or muscular irritation and dysfunction on the joint. Degeneration on the upper back discs may occur but this condition is too rarely observed among upper back pain sufferers. Both the myofascial pain and the joint dysfunction can best be helped with treatments in the forms of: Active and passive physical therapy and daily exercise Osteopathic or chiropractic manipulation Massage therapy or deep massage Acupuncture Massage therapy Injections with a local anesthetic on trigger points Over the counter medications Prescription drugs The back bone is divided into several categories and each are at risk to different factors. Chronic Back Neck Pain This form of neck pain is very much the same in effects with acute back neck pain. However, they largely differ on the symptoms. Listed below are some of the symptoms of chronic back pain: Neck back pain that goes down to the arms Neck pain that may be linked to certain activities Arm pain due to lack of coordination Neck back pain that may be felt for much longer duration of time Neck pain that may go worse by the end of the day and in the morning Other than these, there are a number of common symptoms that may be associated with cervical conditions. 

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