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1 Movement to Fix Upper Back & Neck Pain #shorts

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Exercise This probably is the most essential step in lower back pain treatment. This increases muscle strength and flexibility. Once muscle strength is increased, weight may be better distributed and less force will burden the spine. Narcotic Pain Medications Narcotic medications may be both addictive and dangerous but they are rather effective against pain. However, even these two may not suffice, as there is a host of symptoms that are not supported with anatomical abnormalities. But still the pain is real and not psychological. The problem often arises here. Since physicians don't find any physical symptoms with some forms of lower back pain, they may recommend their patients to a psychiatrist. For obvious reasons, females are more susceptible to this cause as compared with the male population, recent studies support the statistics that the number of upper back pin causes is more prevalent in females in as much as four times than that of male. The causes of upper back pain vary from person to person and sometimes even gender to gender. Muscle Relaxants Muscle Relaxants are known to induce the efficiency created in most Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and are often prescribed only for severe back pains. These include medications such as cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril ), methocarbamol (Robaxin ), carisoprodol (Soma ), and diazepam (Valium ). Pregnancy in itself is a hard dealing, when back pain is added to the pains that generally cover this period of a woman's life, it can make pregnancy severely painful especially during delivery. The symptoms of back pain must be immediately addressed once they manifest and must be carefully managed throughout the process. Around 5% of all sufferers experience back pain due to nerve root problems. The compression of the nerve root, which is triggered by the bulging, or displacement of the vertebral disc normally brings about the pain. This irregularity of the vertebral disc is called a slipped disc. It must be noted that the back bone structure is especially adopted to carrying loads and carrying the whole body weight if need be. 

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