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How to make bonsai #bonsai

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This variety of bamboo is hardy, and can be grown indoors or outdoors, provided that the bamboo is protected against frost. Like most species of bamboo, the plant does not thrive well in places where frost occurs. Frost damages the bamboo and stops its growth, often shocking and killing the plant. It is for this reason that many bamboo species cannot thrive in northern climates unless they are kept indoors. Because of this, you will want to research the specific classes of trees and learn how they grow. Some maples are best suited for larger bonsai settings, with trunks of three to four inches that exclusively live outdoors. Others are more suitable for smaller bonsai. Typically, Japanese maple bonsai trees are best suited for mid range to larger bonsais with trunks ranging between one and four inches. Letting the bonsai plant dry out too much is also a common problem, which can be as damaging as over watering the plant. Striking a good balance will take effort for the beginner, but once you have learned how to care for your bonsai plant, it will become easy and automatic. If you live in a region that is not conducive for the growth of a bonsai plant, there are some varieties of trees that can be grown indoors. Typically, the highest quality tools for bonsai care are from Japan, where there are companies dedicated to the building of these tools. When selecting your bonsai tools, there are a few things that you will want to keep in mind. First, the quality of the tools you purchase may affect how well your bonsai turns out. This is because the trees grow in drastically different conditions, and require different amounts of water, light and general treatment. Learning about your specific type of tree will greatly assist you in growing bonsai. Once you have learned about your tree, growing bonsai is pretty simple. There are several things you should remember in addition to properly watering and feeding your tree. If you have received a juniper bonsai as a gift, or you are interested in growing your own from a seed or seedling, you will want to keep pruning and wiring supplies on hand, as these are the most common tools you will use with your juniper bonsai. Careful pruning of new buds and excess branches and needles will help improve your design of the tree. 

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