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If you prune the wrong branches, you can negatively impact the growth of your plant. As the dwarf plants require more care than their larger counterparts, improper care can result in the shortened life span of your plant, or leaf sizes too large for your bonsai design. If your leaves or nodes grow in too large, you will not be able to correct this until the next growing season. If you live somewhere cold, it is vital that you store the Baobab bonsai somewhere the plant can remain warm throughout the winter season. In addition, the Baobab bonsai should receive no water at all during the winter, as watering them in winter will cause root rot and your plant will die. The most challenging aspect of caring for a Baobab bonsai, aside from taking care to water properly, is to acknowledge that these trees take a very long time to grow. How quickly the bamboo bonsai will grow and take root is based off of the species of bonsai you are growing. Also, some species of bamboo will not take root as well from cuttings as others. Bamboo bonsai uses many of the techniques for care that more difficult bonsai trees use. You will need the same types of tools to maintain them, and you can use the same style of wire to help guide the trunk and branches of the bamboo. There is a lot that you need to keep in mind when raising and training a bonsai plant. As the bonsai grows in a small pot, they tend to be more delicate than the trees that are found growing naturally outdoors. Because of this, beginners are sometimes overwhelmed by the things they need to do to ensure their bonsai plant survives. As these trees can live to be over two hundred years old, it is important that the pruning and root care is properly done. Pot size is fundamental in the care of the banyan bonsai. As this plant is also named a 'strangler fig', a pot too big or situated with other plants can cause the bonsai to grow larger than you desire. This process is vital for the survival of the plant. A juniper that is not permitted to go into dormancy will typically die within a few months. As more people are entering the bonsai hobby, there are more varieties of trees suitable for indoor growing coming into the market. Before you purchase any bonsai plants, you will want to find a line between ease of care and ease of styling the tree. 

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