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BONSAI (Videolyric) - Alan Sutton y las criaturitas de la ansiedad

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Grass an other weeds should also be removed immediately from your bonsai plants, as these will remove needed nutrients from your bonsai. If you are interested in growing several bonsai plants in the same pot, you will need to take extra care with them. Multiple plants in the same pot are harder to care for and require special treatment and fertilization in order to be able to survive. Acquiring good bonsai soil can be difficult if you do not know where to look. Bonsai soil can be found in the most unusual of places, including hardware stores, auto parts stores and pet supply stores. Bonsai resellers online will typically acquire their soils from these types of places and make blends suitable for certain types of trees. The wire can come in various sizes, from thin wires suitable for small dwarf seedlings, to thick wire designed for outdoor trees. Knowing which type of wire to use can be one of the most challenging aspects of bonsai tree design. If you do not have wire that is strong enough for your size of tree, it is very easy to rectify. When you are pruning bamboo, like many other bonsai trees, there is a certain time of year that pruning is best done at. When you prune your bamboo is dependent on the type of bamboo that you have. Each species of bamboo is different and requires different care. As many people own the 'lucky' bamboo, you will most likely want to prune your bamboo bonsai in the fall and winter, removing all of the leaves. While many of these tools are used in basic maintenance of established trees, there are some tools used for grafting and defoliation that are typically only purchased and used by those who are forming their own bonsai tree designs. Many bonsai trees are only suitable for outdoor growth in ornamental gardens. These include shears, a rake, tweezers and a small broom. While the shears and rake are obvious in their gardening uses, many people do not realize the importance of both the tweezers and the broom. Unlike standard trees, a vital part of the survival of a bonsai tree is that they are kept clean. Brooming off the surface of the tree will keep the leaves and bark healthy, as well as help reveal any potential problems with the tree. 

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