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Cut or Grow? The secrets of successful bonsai pruning for beginners

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This is not typically a problem with bonsai supplies, as high quality supplies are designed to last a lifetime. This means that gear that has been on the shelf for a year or more will come to no harm and work just as well as their newer models. Taking advantage of a bonsai sale can save you a great deal of money while still getting you the same quality of gear. Each of these methods serve a different purpose when tending to bonsai trees. Leaf trimming and pruning are typically used to maintain the appearance and health of the tree, while wiring, clamping, grafting, defoliation and deadwood are methods used to enhance the overall style and design of the bonsai. Because of this, the tweezers are vital for the complete removal of damaging weeds. As the bonsais are typically small, tweezers are the only tool realistic for use as weed and grass removers. In addition to the four basic bonsai supplies, there are many other tools that are used in the care of bonsai. Ficus Bonsai - A Traditional Design If you are looking for a traditional bonsai, the ficus bonsai may be what you are looking for. This style of bonsai is highly popular in traditional bonsai designs, as the aerial root system of this family of fig is highly conducive towards design and styling. Suitable for the standard bonsai design, as well as root over rock styles, the ficus bonsai is a versatile, hardy tree that is relatively easy to care for. If you have received a juniper bonsai as a gift, or you are interested in growing your own from a seed or seedling, you will want to keep pruning and wiring supplies on hand, as these are the most common tools you will use with your juniper bonsai. Careful pruning of new buds and excess branches and needles will help improve your design of the tree. However, due to the small size of the pots, giving the trees too much water can start root rot, which is fatal in bonsai trees. Because of the careful balance required, bonsai care can be very challenging for those who have never nurtured a bonsai before. When you start into the world of bonsai care, there are some supplies that you will want to invest in. 

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