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Trophy Bonsai exhibition (part 4) #bonsai

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When you are selecting your Japanese maple bonsai tree, there are several things that you will want to keep in mind. First, the Japanese maple bonsai tree can be one of hundreds of different species of Japanese maple. Because of this, you will want to research the specific classes of trees and learn how they grow. As you become more adept at bonsai tree care, you will learn how to properly prune your plant, pot it in larger pots, and trim the roots so you have a proper sized root mass. You will learn how to wire your plant so the branches go to the form you want without leaving unsightly scars or damaging the visual aspects of your bonsai tree. When caring for a maple bonsai, you need to learn about maple trees in general. This will assist you in making the right decisions for caring for your bonsai. Important things that you should learn include the time of year the maple is dormant, what temperatures the maple can tolerate, and what pruning needs done in order to keep your tree healthy. As bonsais do not typically grow in the fashion that is desired by those making bonsai designs, bonsai wire is used to train the branches of the young tree how to grow. However, there are some things that you should consider before you begin to use bonsai wire to shape the branches and trunk of your tree. Proper spacing and angles of the wires will allow the tree to modify its growing patter, and help in the design of your bonsai. There are some supplies that you will need when growing bonsai. You will need a good soil for your tree, a proper pot with good drainage, and the basic tools for working wiring and trimming your tree. Because of this, you can select the type of ficus bonsai that is suitable for you. It should be remembered that many fruits from ficus bonsai are not edible. While there are some species of ficus bonsai that can produce edible fruits, it is typically suggested against eating any fruit that might grow from your bonsai. 

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