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Creating a Spruce Bonsai tree

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Grass an other weeds should also be removed immediately from your bonsai plants, as these will remove needed nutrients from your bonsai. If you are interested in growing several bonsai plants in the same pot, you will need to take extra care with them. Multiple plants in the same pot are harder to care for and require special treatment and fertilization in order to be able to survive. If you are planning to sculpt your own bonsai tree, there are several things that you will want to remember. First, sculpting a bonsai tree takes years. Many of the trees that can be purchased are somewhere between seven to fifteen years old, gradually sculpted until the bonsai tree has taken the shape that the artist wants. It belongs outdoors, where it can go into a proper state of dormancy. By tending to a juniper indoors, it is unlikely to get the light it needs for survival, nor the harsher conditions it needs to thrive. Unlike delicate tropical plants, the juniper bonsai has grown for hundreds of years in conditions most plants would not like. When you first buy a bonsai, there are a few tools that you will want to keep on hand to ensure it is properly cared for. These include shears, a rake, tweezers and a small broom. While the shears and rake are obvious in their gardening uses, many people do not realize the importance of both the tweezers and the broom. As you become more adept at bonsai tree care, you will learn how to properly prune your plant, pot it in larger pots, and trim the roots so you have a proper sized root mass. You will learn how to wire your plant so the branches go to the form you want without leaving unsightly scars or damaging the visual aspects of your bonsai tree. In many of the trees, particularly landscape bonsai that live outdoors, it can take ten to twenty years to get the tree to the stage it is ready to be designed. This time frame can often turn people away from designing Japanese maple bonsai. However, there are other types of trees that you can tend to that have a shorter grow period, letting your Japanese maple mature until it is ready to be designed into the forms that you desire. 

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