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The Impossible Task Of Single Mothers

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- Authored by two single mothers, this guidebook offers comprehensive and practical information that for single mothers to help them overcome daily challenges with courage and dignity. The book includes useful tips on how to manage finances, handle legal matters, plan career, enhance social life, reach out to support groups, and deal with family members. Tips On How To Survive Single Parenting No one wishes to be a single parent but circumstances sometimes dictate that you take on responsibilities that you have not expected. For single parents who have chosen to raise their children alone, the burden is not as hard as with the burden of a single parent whose partner left them with the responsibility. There is also no use trying to force somebody (aka your partner) to take responsibility when he clearly does not want to have anything to do with raising the child. The best way to start your life is to accept your fate and move on. You owe it to your child to be at peace with what happened and just make the best out of it. A mother may give up custody and award parenting to the father of child or children due to lack of financial resources, child's preference living with the father, inability to control or discipline children, threats of legal custody battles, and physical or emotional problems suffered by her. 2. Death - Single parenting due to widowhood may give a parent an unforeseen parenting obligation that will cause her to underwent difficult time of adjustment. Single parents can date but only when it is already serious and if the potential partner is also looking for something serious. If not, don t. You should also watch out for your schedule. It is not good to do it constantly because remember that your child needs you too. A once-a-week date is good but more than that can be a problem except of course when you can bring the date over to the house but that of course can happen only when you have already dated the guy or the gal for a long while now. However, experts say that despite single parenting, a child can still perform well in school given proper monitoring and support. Attending the child's needs in school These days, many children find schooling challenging because of harder subjects and demanding time. But, the present school set up can be more to those kids who are being raised by single parents. 

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