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Moral to the story, don’t be a Karen… #lawncare #thatlawndude

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If you have soil that is good condition, your lawn will be easier to keep up in the future and it will cost you a lot less money in the long run. Prior to starting a new lawn, you should get the soil tested. The test will tell you what is needed to get you soil to the proper pH levels. Your soil may be too acidic or alkaline. When taking your soil sample, you should take samples from 10 to 15 different areas of your lawn. Take a tablespoon of each and mix them together thoroughly. If there is not a soil testing service in your area, you can purchase a home soil testing kit at most any plant nursery. While these tests are not as accurate as the ones completed by professionals, you will have a general idea of what is going on in your lawn’s soil. One has to invest in an excellent lawnmower, for example you can buy a good Deere model. It depends upon how large your lawn is. A grass lawn positively enjoys being trimmed drastically, and mowing your lawn is going to be extremely good therapeutic exercise for you when you have nothing else or constructive to do. To maintain a healthy body we need a balanced diet in a similar manner to enjoy the goodness of a great garden you need fertilizers. It has been scientifically proven that plants have life so instead of taking our lawn for granted we need to provide it with a nourishing diet to make it grow and glow. Lawn aeration can be done using mechanical lawn aerators, the device having a drum like structure with spoons or tines attached at its base to remove soil cores. Lawn aerators can be hired from any landscaping firm. The following steps will help you in getting your lawn properly aerated: The first important step before starting with your lawn aeration routine is to moisten the lawn soil by watering it thoroughly for a couple of days. After few weeks you will find most of the weeds are dead and can be removed easily. If you are using a black sheet then the greenhouse effect will help you in killing the plants and weeds beneath it. The weeds reproduce at a much faster rate than other plants and you will be able to see that they survive most of the adverse conditions as well. 

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