By following some simple yet effective lawn mowing safety procedures you can save yourself a ride to the hospital:- Teenagers looking for making some extra pocket money often take up Land mowing jobs. Care should be taken while providing them with the land mowers. It is recommended that children below the age of 14 should not be allowed to work with ride-on lawn mower equipment and if the child is not even in his teen’s walk-behind lawn mowers are a big no-no. Enhance The Beauty Of Your Garden Using Lawn Aeration If you are a proud owner of a beautifully landscaped lawn and love to throw outdoor parties, then regular lawn aeration is a must to maintain the ravishing look of your lawn. Don’t panic if the term lawn aeration sounds Greek to you for this is just a simple procedure of removing plugs and cores from the your lawn soil thereby making it more porous and healthier for plant growth. Liquid fertilizers should be used bi weekly or once every 21 days for greater impact. Granular fertilizers: These fertilizers are added to the garden by using a spreader followed by the sprinkling of water. The advantage of using granular fertilizers is that you are well aware of the quantity of fertilizer that is being added to the lawn. The type, condition and texture of the soil are the most important element to getting healthy grass. Whether you are seeding, laying sod or planting plugs and sprigs, you should do all you can to ensure that your soil is properly prepared. If you truly want to get your new lawn off to a great start, you should have your soil tested. Problem Solvers for New Sod Lawns If you think that your sod is not taking root fast enough, you should know that sod lawns that are planted in excessive shade will have a slow time at putting down roots than sod lawns which are in full sun. Adjusting your watering schedule can help a lawn that is having problems establishing roots. If you do not have a roller, you can easily rent one. This step is the most important when it comes to planting a new lawn. You have to water your new lawn gently—but thoroughly. You want the water to penetrate to a depth of six inches. To prevent puddles and the washing away of seed, you may have to do this watering in intervals.
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